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Abby Fouche

Abby Fouche

Name: Abby Fouche

Player or Coach: Player

Date of Birth: 18/01/2004


I've played school hockey for A teams all my life. Played u13 and u14 EP, made indoor nationals for u14A in grd 8 and u16b in grd 9, in grade 9 I made presidents league for crusaders club, in grd 10(currently) I made 1st team for Pearson girls, I've made premier league for crusaders and I've made it to 2nd round ep (due to lockdown it can't go on), and still waiting to see about indoor.


I'm doing school at the moment, and I've been doing gym sessions for school hockey and horse-riding 


Elite x-2 dyneema with extreme low bow

Role Model:

Ignatius malgraaf

Career Highlight:

Making first team this year as it was a goal that I had set and finally achieved

Favourite Quote:

Practice how you want to play in a match

Social Media: 

Instagram: _abbyf_