I am a very outgoing and motivated person, whatever I put my mind to it will get done. I love meeting new people and interacting with them. And mainly I LOVE playing hockey the most. My achievements: -I was captain of the u/16 team in high school -I got the motivational trophy in my u/16 team -I played 3 years in the 1st hockey boys team in high school -I was part of the u/16 provincial team(NFS) - I was part of the u:18 provincial team(NFS)
I am currently working.
My hobbies: -I like teaching smaller children how to play hockey because I am passionate about it, especially with my siblings and cousins. -I love music, so I do sit at times and try and make my own music. -I mainly just love playing hockey, that is my main hobby.
Elite X 2, extreme low bow
Role Model:
My role model and the person I look up to is my mother.
Career Highlight:
The highlight of my career was finally getting a sponsorship.
Favourite Quote:
“The best way to predict the future is to create it” - Peter Drucker